Hello, I am

Thirafi Najwan

Curious In for setting height only Cloud Computing Distributed System Web Development Deep Learning Capital Market

based in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia
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See My Latest Projects
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A little bit about me

I am a Computer Science / Informatics student at Institut Teknologi Bandung. I am currently in my final year of studies. Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems are two of my primary interests, with a focus on Scalable Web Development, Deep Learning, and Capital Markets.

I'm Comfortable Working With

A somewhat more complete of my profile can be found on my LinkedIn.

Latest Project

This is the latest slash the proudest project I've been working on. It consist mainly of school and personal projects.

2023|Cloudflare Workers, Cloudflare R2

My attempt to implement MVC architecture in serverless environment. Using Cloudflare R2 to store the image and Cloudflare Workers to server the Webpage. The source is available on GitHub. You can find the project writeup on my Blog.

2023|React, Cloudflare Workers

My first project utilizing serverless environment and attempt to implement a design from Dribbble. Front-end is built using React and the Back-end is built using Cloudflare Workers utilizing key-value storage to store the URL. The project writeup can be found in my Blog.

2023|Raft, Rust, Distributed System

This is a project that my team and I worked on for our finals in the Parallel and Distributed Systems class. We used the Rust programming language to create an implementation (with some modifications) of the Raft consensus algorithm as described in the original paper. For communication between nodes, we use RPC. We also built a frontend interface for monitoring the node, which polls the cluster status via HTTP. This project received the highest grade among my peers.

2023| AWS S3, Spring Boot, Java

This is a tool I made because my team's final assignment in Software Project class requires some kind of static file hosting mechanism, but we do not want to use the same backend to handle the logic because it is already quite large. So I decided to create a new minimalist HTTP interface separate from our backend codebase that can upload and view an image to an S3-compatible service (because S3 is cheap), and then the backend can interact with it. It can be deployed as a standalone application.

Web-based Computer Aided Design Application
2023| TypeScript, WebGL

This is a collection of three projects that my team and I completed for Computer Graphics class. We create various CAD applications using pure WebGL without any frameworks or libraries. The goal of our first project is to create a 2D CAD canvas that users can use to manipulate and draw predefined shapes on. In the second project, we take similar steps but also incorporate perspective, camera manipulation, and a third dimension. We reuse the second project for the third project, but this time we play around with texture mapping and an articulated model.

2023| Google Sheet

This is a tool I made to help find members' information for POCHU Genshiken, the student club I belong to at my school. This was inspired by a program called NIM Finder, which allows users to search for individuals by name and student ID number (NIM) across the entire ITB. This uses Google Sheet with the SheetV4 API as its backend and is entirely served on static web hosting (Github Pages).

In addition, I help maintain the website for my club and hold a few managerial positions there. My other projects can be found on my GitHub.

Image drawn by @foyhead on Twitter
Thirafi Najwan Kurniatama
Low-level programming, Distributed system, and occassionally romcom anime/manhwa :3
Sleep Deprived